Sierra 880 l Sierra Wireless AirCard 880

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3 hari sejak pembayaran
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413 Kali
Update Terakhir :
29-12-2012 00:43

Detail Produk

ierra Wirelessï ¿ ½ newly unveiled HSUPA-capable product line includes the AirCard 880 PC Cards. AirCard 880 offer tri-band UMTS/ HSPA and quad-band GPRS/ EDGE for global connectivity and worldwide roaming.

With Sierra Wireless HSPA AirCardï ¿ ½ modems, mobile data customers will be able to send email attachments, upload information, and transmit data from portable devices at speeds up to a theoretical maximum speed of 2.0 Mbps. Downlink speeds are also improved over currently available models, with a theoretical maximum download speed of 7.2 Mbps.

The AirCard 880 is optimized for better fringe performance in Europe and Asia, while the AirCard 881 is optimized for better fringe performance on North American networks.

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